Real Madrid (3)

Gareh Neill provided a cut-back for Mattheo. The Argentinian then adjusted his position and kicked the ball firmly. Valdes jumped up and held the ball with his hands. The ball was thrown to the left. Alba got the ball, after that, he kicked the ball forward. Gundogan duel against Isco. Gundogan won the duel. He passed the ball to Kazuki. Kazuki moved swiftly to break through the Real Madrid defense.

However, Ramos stopped him. He tackled Kazuki, even though it resulted a free kick for Barcelona. But at least Real Madrid was safe from Barcelona's counter-attack. The free kick was taken by Kazuki. He took a stance, the referee then blew the whistle. Kazuki kicked the ball strongly. The ball went over the human fence created by Real Madrid.

Fortunately, Casillas guessed the direction of the ball correctly. He jumped then pushed the ball away from the goalpost. Action Casillas managed to save the Real Madrid goalpost from being conceded.