Are there cats in this country?

"Master Akira will still pay for it, big brother doesn't have to refuse!" I said, staring intently at Akira, who was looking at me.

Akira also understood. He immediately paid for the mango with twenty pieces of money and brought a basket of mangoes.

I continued to walk around the market while Akira tried to catch up with me. Until finally, he walked beside me.

"Just keep talking to them!" I said, annoyed.

Akira smiled sweetly. He knew that his wife was jealous. Yes, that means Moon loves him (Akira).

"Don't be mad! They didn't mean it that way," he replied.

"Huh, then what was his name earlier? I asked you to accompany me to go instead of busy chatting with them!"

"Yeah okay, I'm sorry. I won't do that again!"

That's when we met Bai, Mr. Akira's assistant. Seeing Bai, Akira immediately handed him a basket of mangoes.

"Akira! Bring the mango!" I said, looking at him with a frown on his face.

Akira quickly took back the mango basket.

"Hey, who are you?" I asked.

The man I didn't know smiled and replied, "Miss, introduce my name Bai. I'm Mr. Akira's assistant."

"Oh, it's only right that Akira gave you his mango basket. Akira, let's go again!" I said.

"Yeah, okay ist..." he was cut off because he remembered that he couldn't tell people about this marriage.

Akira and I went back on our way.

Meanwhile, Bai just stared at Mr. Akira's departure with a smile.

"Well, you'd better pay attention to it. She loves you so much, to the point where you get fierce when you're close to another girl," Bai murmured quietly.

After touring the market, I immediately returned to the palace. Meanwhile, Akira continued to carry the mango basket. I purposely didn't stop on the way and allowed the mango basket to be accepted by anyone else. I punished him like that because he had annoyed me.

Arriving at the palace, Akira and I immediately headed for the palace kitchen. I saw many palace maids working here, and they welcomed us.

"Put it down! Thank you for bringing the mango for me," I said.

Akira immediately put a basket filled with mangoes on the floor. He was moving his body because of aches. Then replied, "Yes, it's okay, I'll go first! I'll take care of something."

"Yeah, just go," I said, ignoring him.

Akira also left me here. The palace maid immediately approached me.

"Miss Moon, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well, of course, do you guys have a knife? I want to peel this mango myself. Help me peel the mango skin, okay? Get a bucket of clean water, face, and place on it!""

"Okay miss!"

Then one of them handed me a knife. They also quickly carried out the orders I gave.

"Before you do the task I gave, I will teach it first so that nothing goes wrong. First wash the mango clean, then peel and cut it like this! Can I do that?" I said while doing what I taught.

"Yes, Miss Moon."

They also did what I ordered. We cleaned the mango skin together.

After collecting everything, I again asked them to prepare a container, clean water, sugar, and salt. I started to put it all together. Put the water in the container, sugar, and salt, then the last one was the mango. Then I covered it with a clean cloth. Then with the lid of the container and put it away.

"Well done! Please don't open it? Three more days to eat. I'll go first, thanks for the help! Uh... but do you guys have any food? I'm hungry!"

"Sure Miss, there's food for you. Where do you want to eat, Miss? We'll serve it to the lady soon!"

"Can you take it to my place or not? I want to eat with Akira and Kim. Yes, I can go first, okay? Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome, Miss Moon!"

I immediately went to the concubine's palace or the harem.

Arriving at the harem, I thought Akira would be there, but he went somewhere. This secret wedding was beyond my expectations. Yes, the secret is not as impressive as the usual bride. Even this large and magnificent place looks very quiet. I am tired of looking at this vast place.

Sitting on the floor and placed my hands on the table as a buffer for my bored-looking face.

"Huh, I really didn't expect it! The wedding turned out to be very boring. Yes there are no streets like I imagined. I don't even have friends here, don't let my husband's friends just go somewhere! Irritating. Yeah I hope they don't get teased by the girls. Huh... why am I so angry when they approach girls huh? Or maybe I really like them? Or am I really in love? Oh my... well no problem! I hope my two husbands keep their promise to me. Yes they have to let me go to school. Even in my country, I'm just an ordinary girl. So here, I have to be a wonderful wife. I have to be a great wife, yes especially I have to be able to defend myself like Kayora and Yora or even have useful skills. But... usually at times like this I prefer to read a book or go to the library. Ah... yes I remember! I've seen a movie, is there a god's library or not? Yes, a library full of wonders of the world," I mumbled to myself because of the boredom that kept haunting me.

Suddenly I heard someone drop something outside.

"Praakkkkk!" Someone dropped the water jug ​​outside. I immediately went out and saw no one there. - anyone but the water jug ​​that fell and broke. The shards scattered on the ground and the water was immediately absorbed by the environment.

"Uh, who broke the water jug? What cat? Hmm... do cats exist in this country? Ah, yes I will ask my husband for a pet. Yes, so that I'm not lonely, it's much better. Prince Kim must be busy practicing and Akira is also busy with himself. I don't know what he did, but now I'd better sit and wait for them. But this is boring!" I complained as I walked into the living room and sat back down.