Chapter 5

POV Change- Varys:

In these past two years the Young Stag did that which we all thought impossible, he overcame all obstacles and rose out of the pit the realm had thought he would perish in. He has gained the love and support of the people throughout the six kingdoms as he and his order have saved countless settlements and rebuilt devastated communities and farmhouses.

The last few Targaryen loyalists had banded together to slay the Young Prince and his growing order, but it seemed we all had underestimated his talents in war and combat. Outnumbered, surrounded and without supporters the Young Stag dragged the loyalist through woodlands, hills, rivers, and marshes fighting battle after battle for two weeks without rest and came out victorious. After that two weeklong 'war' some took to call him the 'Bloody Stag' as rumours spoke of how the Young Prince was covered in the blood of his enemies from head to heel and all that could be seen of his original appearance was his different coloured eyes that sparkled under the blood. And now all those houses have been replaced by new lords and families that are loyal, but to whom I wonder…

Now bards travel far and wide singing songs of the undefeated Stag and his order of knights. Of how he saves villages and helps those in need, they sing of his victories and his strength. Ballads of overcoming overwhelming odds and seizing victory from the jaws of death are all now synonymous with the young Stag.

The Young Stag has managed to annihilate all bandits and outlaws in the six kingdoms from the Kingswood to the Gift, he has travelled the length and breadth of Westeros fighting and killing in every woodland, near every river and all the marshes known to man. And if my birds' songs are true then with every battle the Young Stag grows ever stronger and gathers more men who follow him, so far it seems as though all ten thousand of his order are loyal and are even willing to die for the Stag.

Now that very Stag, wrapped in triumph and victory from two years of non-stop violence was making his way to King's Landing with a force of ten thousand men hardened by constant combat and loyal only to the young man that brought them victory time and again against all odds.

"Now it is time to take the measure of a man you are Young Stag; will you place your vengeance above the realm, or will you make peace and continue to help the realm without recognition from the family you so wish to please and join."


POV Change- Cersei Lannister:

These past two years have not gone the way I thought they would have. The prince that everyone had thought would die before a year was up has grown strong and thrived fashioning his own legend with his heroic feats and feats that have seen him clutch victory from the jaws of death.

I have heard the bards sing of his triumphs and his benevolence to the common people. I have heard how they sing his praises and hail him their shield and guardian, even I have heard those upstarts whispers at court of how they believe that he should be given his place as Crown Prince once again. That damned monster is ruining everything, and he refuses to disappear quietly into the night, every chance he gets.

I knew it was a bad idea giving him that stupid order to go around Westeros with his own army killing and removing Lords and noble families as he pleases. I know father is proud of his grandson's accomplishments since some of the replacements or now loyal to the Lannister's and pay a certain tribute for protection. But he cannot see how dangerous the monster is so now it is left to me to guard our family and its legacy while the rest of them delude themselves into believing that he is a lion. He is nothing more than a Black Stag.

I have called in favours and used all the gold I can to buy adversaries that would confront him, but he has overcome them all and has suffered not a single defeat, it feels as though I am just playing a part in his budding legend now. Seven Hells! I have even tried buying his men, but they are all loyal to him and would not be swayed no matter how high a price was offered.

Though I must confess a part of me is glad that he is alright and has found his calling for war and bloodshed, perhaps that will dissuade him from believing he should be King. I suppose if we were to find him a never-ending war to fight in, he will be content with his lot after all he is his father's son.

But I fear for Joffrey since Alexander does not understand that Joffrey is a sensitive boy who is still trying to find himself and gain the King's approval as his heir. Alexander has never been one to listen and try being more understanding of others and how they might be feeling, he simply sees and believes what he wants. Stubborn Baratheon's and their insufferable fury. Now Alexander marches for the capital at the head of a force ten thousand strong.

If I am to believe the stories and melodies sung by bards then his temper has become even more perilous of late, if I am to calm him or even have him submit then I will need Tommen and Myrcella. They have always had a soothing effect on the boy and are his only vulnerability, with them by my side then obtaining Alexander's submission is only a matter of time. Besides, I'm sure he still craves my love…

As I sat in my chambers holding my youngest children in my embrace, I tried to reassure myself of my plan and its feasibility. I looked at their golden hair, my beloved cubs.

"If I play this right, then having him take a self-induced exile of his own accord without a controversy will be an easy feat and then I can keep all my beloved children close and safe."


POV Change- Jaime Lannister:

It has been two years since the last I saw him and now he is returning a man with enough achievements to overshadow my own. I honestly do not know how I feel about the kid, a part of me hates him for not being my child and being the spawn of that whoremonger but to hate a child for the sins of his father does not sit right with me especially considering this child is my own nephew. Though what he has done to Joffrey irks me, but I know there is nothing I can do about it, every time I think about humiliating him and putting him in his place, I think back to that wretched day when he killed half the knights in the king's guard and had me at the mercy of his sword…

I shiver when I think of what he can do now that he has had time to grow and of the stories I have heard of his exploits and struggles. Ruthless and unrelenting in his pursuit for his enemies. I often think on the stories of how he defeated the army that gathered to kill him, and I wonder if I could have done what he did. The cunning to outmanoeuvre a seasoned army lead by knights who fought and survived the rebellion. The mind has for warfare… the boy is a prodigy in all things violent and bloodstained.

The boy is undoubtedly dangerous, but I feel sorry for him because under all that brilliance and power there is just a young boy looking for the acknowledgment of his father and the love of his mother. A love and acknowledgement I know he will never receive no matter what he accomplishes.

If I know my sister as well as I know I do then she will manipulate that need of his for love and make him undergo trials that he is not ready for, even if he does know that he is being sent to die the need for approval will have him diving headfirst into deaths embrace.

I have often tried talking Cersei into giving the boy a chance, but she does not seem to see him as her child and just a beast that she was forced to birth.

'He is no lion!' she had shouted when I saved the boy from her. Another deed that will go unrewarded or acknowledged.

I looked out the window of the Red Keep watching the approaching army flying the personal banner of my nephew. A red antlered lion on a black field.

"Was saving you the right thing to do?" I whispered to myself.