Chapter 63: Surprises

"...Moving on. Number Four Jagu of the Komi, your rank and reward are the same as that gentleman over there. You have one offer from a professor and twenty from inquisitors. Any request?" She asked Jagu who didn't even bother standing and going there. "No, pass my request to him." He replied with little interest in his tone as he pointed towards Aron causing confusion once again.

As if it weren't surprising enough that two commoners were in the top five, their attitudes and behavior were considered horrendous to others.

"Hmm I suppose that isn't against any rules , and what is your request?" The arch mage turned to Aron and asked. "I'll save it for later." He replied in a charming and calm tone causing many who hadn't already noticed him to look in his direction.

Since they were seated next to each other, many already began to think he was in the top three.