Chapter 68: Recruitment Part 2

"Argh... what happened?" A drowsy Aela slowly raised her body from the cold ground and turned towards Reginald, curious as to what had occurred.

"I think he knew he was being followed and he set a trap for us. I only awoke a little while ago..." Reginald explained in his usual manner, Aela wouldn't even think he was lying so she slowly shook her head and stood up. "Dammit, we'll get him next time." Despite what had occurred, Aela wasn't the least bit demotivated in trying again.

"Right... we should go now." Reginald agreed and asked they leave the alleyway as it was almost past midnight now. Aela didn't protest with the suggestion and the two began to make their way out. Unbeknownst to Aela, Reginald patted the pocket of his coat nervously as he recalled Aron's words. 'Just do this and I shall consider us even. Simple is not?'

Those words continued to repeat themselves in his mind as he left the alleyway with a feigned calm expression.