Chapter 84: Escape - Part 1

After leaving Anastasia's residence, Aron made his way to the academy's airship docking yard where he found the members of his faction already gathered.

Jin, Jagu and Evanora stood at the front whilst Claudia and Xavier seemed to have been briefing the other members who looked all but lost.

Upon seeing Aron appear, Claudia hurriedly walked over to him with a look of concern on her face. "What's going on?" She asked in a hushed voice clearly not understanding the current situation.

"You should already know." Aron's answer only caused the look of concern of her face to become more apparent. "Leaving the academy grounds without permission is against the rules... moreover to do so with this many students and without a supervisor... it will be very troublesome if you choose to proceed." Claudia advised worriedly while Jagu and Jin looked at him as this was the first they had heard this rule.