Chapter 95: The Bloody Bounty - Part 2

After leaving the the building where they lodged, Aron began to roam the streets of Findel in search of the inn that Rose's informant had stayed in.

'The crescent moon inn should be around here...' Aron had followed the directions Rose had written in the journal to the letter and arrived at what seemed to be a busy district of the city.

This area in particular was one of the more dangerous parts of he city but Aron didn't even mind it in the least. The sight of two obvious visitors to the city didn't go unnoticed and many people began to eye them with greedy expressions.

After all it was common for aloof visitors to sometimes wander into the more dangerous parts of town, this left them as prey to many schemes.

This was the apparent darker side of Findel, children would go missing, men would be killed and robbed, women would taken advantage or even captured and some people would fall for gambling tricks and land in unpayable debt.