Chapter 110: The Forsaken Part 1

As Aron and Esmeralda continued heading deeper into the ruins they began to discover more and more carcasses of beasts, all of which were brutally mulled and or devoured in some parts.

The heavy stench of blood and rotting flesh filled the ruin and only got more potent the deeper one went.

"This place is horrendous... just what kind treasure requires so many beasts as guards." Esmeralda commented in a dissatisfied tone while holding her nose shut unable to bear the terrible smell.

"What makes you assume there's treasure here in the first place? No.. this place is something else completely." Aron stated while focusing his gaze on the walls and ceilings as they continued to move.

Unlike Esmeralda who could only smell and barely see, Aron had a clear picture of the entire ruin and it was truly a gruesome sight.