Chapter 121: The Komi Islands Part 4

The clouds above the destroyed settlement continued to rumble and roar ominously while the shadow hidden within caused Juliet to furrow her brows.

So far every attempt by organizations to venture deeper into the Newman highlands had ended in failure and with no survivors to report just what happened.

The people could only speculate that one or more high tier beasts were responsible but without being sure of its grade or just what tier it was no one dared venture in carelessly.

That's why when people observed Juliet setting off they quickly followed, after all there was no way the child of the great Lord Lamarck would go deeper into the highlands without being sure of her chances of survival.

All they had to do was tag along and reap what benefits they could. However they were greatly mistaken as Juliet had indeed chosen to take a gamble and she would now see whether or not that was a mistake.
