Chapter 123: Answers Part 2

'Darn it Kaira!' Jagu scolded mentally as he continued to quickly pursue the scent of his younger sister through the jungle.

The sun had now begun to set and even for someone with vision as good as his it was hard to maneuver through the dense trees at that speed with lowered visibility.

However he couldn't bring himself to slow down when he thought of what could happen if she and her group encountered Aron and Lady Rose.

So he continued forward a little longer until he could finally see his sister not too far in the distance. "Kaira!" Jagu yelled out to her causing her and the group she was with to turn.

Since they had been disease stricken it was hard for them to move so they hadn't gone too far luckily enough.

"Jagu?" Kaira looked back with a confused expression as she saw her older brother rush from behind her. Upon seeing her and her group unharmed, Jagu could only sigh in relief before showing his sister a stern expression.