Chapter 131: Only The Strong Deserve To Live Part 1

"Please tell me you have a plan on how to deal with that thing." Once Jagu joined Aron, they along with Lady Rose and Evanora gathered outside the settlement to discuss how to deal with the approaching serpent. "I always thought Komi weren't the type to rely on plans Jagu." Aron asked a bit perplexed that Jagu would even consider coming up with a plan.

"The lives of my people are on the line, I'll do whatever it takes." Jagu said resolutely and brought a smirk on Aron's face. "Evanora will work rezolut-etly too." Evanora added with an equal amount of confidence.

"Well determination is all well and good but we are lacking a strategy, it doesn't help that we know nothing of the creature so where do we even begin? Aron, this is your area of expertise." Lady Rose quickly reminded them of their current circumstances and the harsh reality they faced. Jagu could only glance at Aron who became silent in thought and hoped for an answer.