Chapter 139: A Villainous Hero Part 4

"The council..." Jagu repeated in a low tone and with his brows furrowed slightly, a part of him had expected this sort of outcome to be reached but it still felt somewhat surreal.

Hakku felt only disgust when he saw Jagu put on this display and he couldn't help but express it. "Don't pretend you suddenly care for our people now, the sooner you get what you deserve the sooner my sibling's souls can rest in peace." He said angrily but at this point Jin decided to step into the conversation.

"From what I heard your siblings died from the serpent attack and last I checked Jagu isn't said serpent. In my opinion you're just finding someone to blame because you were too weak to save them but what do I know." Jin shrugged innocently but his words had already hit Hakku hard and brought him into a state of rage.