Chapter 152: Aron’s Brilliance Part 2

"Quite simple really... you and I should take over Ettenheim." Lady Rose voiced rather casually with an expression that showed she wasn't joking.

A brief silence followed as Aron furrowed his brows, what she had just said wasn't something that could be just done on a whim. He had read enough about the continent to know that such a method although possible would take quite the amount of time.

"Do you disagree?" Lady Rose saw that Aron was hesitant and so she assumed he perhaps wasn't willing but he shook his head at this. "I was just trying to think of what could have possibly brought you to reach that decision."

Seeing that Aron didn't outright call her decision mad already meant he was onboard as far she was concerned. "I've never considered such a thought but last night as I was pondering on how we should proceed it occurred to me that you and I need not go about things a round about way."