Chapter 167: A Terrifying Pair Part 7

"I'm listening..." Gregor muttered while keeping a straight face, as if not the least bit pleased to see Belle.

"You certainly live up to your reputation as the unfeeling pillar. Come now no need to be so hostile, I simply have a proposal to make." Belle giggled before standing from the chair and strutting over to Gregor who still showed no interest in her games. "Then speak, my time is precious." Gregor arrogantly replied causing a frown to appear on Belle's face.

In the next moment she grabbed Gregor by the chin with one hand and gave him a threatening gaze. "Leave a dog for too long and it will surely forget it's master it seems. Listen carefully Gregor, this opportunity can not be wasted! I risked a lot going against Lady Uva so you had best extract information out of him by any means necessary. Once I have that knowledge both the Ettenheim throne and title of arch-Mage will be mine...."