Chapter 213: Pesia’s End ? Part 8

The Koliens arrival was truly a sight to behold for all those who got to witness it, numerous airships covered the skies and flew directly towards Galos City in an organized manner.

Most civilians outside the wall worried that this was even an attack at some point but after seeing a welcoming ceremony being abruptly started with the arch mage herself along with other top brass ready to welcome the unknown force, their thoughts changed.

"Should we go as well?"

Yohan looked up at the many members gathering and was curious to see what sort of beings these were.

"You go on ahead, I need to make sure everything is perfect here. We can't afford to make mistakes." Aron feigned a tone of seriousness in regards to the matter of Pesia's only hope in surviving.

He had to keep this appearance up so that even the aristocrats who didn't like him could see that he truly worried about Pesia surviving now that he was Ettenheim's emperor.