Chapter 218: Revelations Part 3

It didn't take long for some clothing to be delivered to Aron. It was nothing glamorous like what the females wore but he had expected that much from the beginning.

What he found odd was that it was brought in trunk carried by several large males.

The clothing set was actually a light armor piece with silver colored metallic gauntlets, boots, helm and a chest plate with a crimson red cloak attached to it. The other areas were made of dark grey hard leather while his belt was simple and brown in color and also had some crimson red cloth hanging from it.

"I thought this would suit you best."

Alongside the woman who brought was Helar who commented this as she looked at Aron as of proud of him.

"Who did it belong to?" Aron didn't care the false interest she was displaying simply because he now had value and his tone of speech showed this.