Chapter 221: Revelations Part 6

Galos City experienced an uptick in tension as a result of the widespread dissemination of the horde's information.

Thank goodness, each leader was able to bring their individual races together in the designated city segment.

Many of them kept talking quietly about their situation because this wasn't enough to allay their anxieties.

Aron was also moving toward the Galos city square at this time, which was at the very heart of the city.

After gathering their troops and joining Aron in the square, the leaders each left a capable subordinate to keep an eye on the bystanders because it was obvious that this was where the device had been placed and from which it would be activated.

The other leaders remained nearby as Aron got closer to the object. They still couldn't completely trust him, so it was probably best to be close to him in case something happened.