Chapter 268: Fear, Personified

The entire Drakarian mountain was in a panic when the earth shook suddenly.

Although many Drakar were in the skies and away from any danger the earth shaking might pose, it had to be noted that their eggs were not.

Housed inside rocky dens, the eggs would be crushed if a large enough quake was to occur.

With that in mind, many rushed back to their dwellings to save their eggs, completely forgetting their order to patrol.

Osar didn't try to stop them either, despite being the one who relayed Mikaa's order. 

Why? Because the safety and future of his people were far more important to him.


Greile who had been hovering next to him showed a grim look. Unlike Osar who had numerous Drakar in his colony, Greile only had the males left… and they were yet to return.