Chapter 298: The Hunter Turned Prey Part 2


The injured young female beast monger limped through the dense forest, her every step filled with pain and fear. She glanced over her shoulder repeatedly, half-expecting to see Aron hot on her trail. The weight of her injured ankle slowed her down, but her desperation fueled her desire to reach the settlement as quickly as possible.


The beast monger settlement came into view, a collection of huts constructed from sturdy branches and animal hides. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and the sounds of bustling activity. The settlement seemed like a fortress nestled within the untamed wilderness, its inhabitants fully immersed in their savage existence.


With a final burst of effort, the female beast monger stumbled into the heart of the settlement. Her arrival did not go unnoticed, as the commotion drew the attention of the other beast mongers. Their gazes fell upon her, curiosity mingled with concern evident in their eyes.