Chapter 310: Destination Part 1



As Aron and his group walked further away from the settlement, the woodland around them grew denser, making it near impossible to see more than a few meters ahead.


It was because of such terrain and conditions that Aron rarely used his vision normally and instead chose to see the world through mana signatures.


Still, he and his group moved incredibly cautiously, despite the seemingly casual nature of their strides. With Jagu and Jin still not fully healed, Aron preferred to avoid combat if possible.


They had walked in complete silence until the settlement they had just left was no longer in sight. It was then Rose inquired, "And what is our next destination?"


Looking forward, Aron pointed to their east and spoke, "For now, the east. My father mentioned that's the area where the only other race present on this continent can be found, the Aethelians."