Chapter 316: Limbo’s Truth Part 3

Aron and Rorthik soon made it into the palace hall, where numerous Aethelians were gathered in celebrations already.

As far as Aron was concerned, they didn't even know what they celebrating, but their culture wasn't one for questioning their hierarchy it seemed.

His gaze swept the scene and it was then that he spotted two familiar faces in the surrounding area, Sharla and Mirai.

He didn't let his gaze linger and was about to turn away when he saw Mirai move her lips as if to say something.

Although no sound was heard, Aron read her lips, interpreting the words "be careful", despite this, his expression didn't change and he kept walking forward with a clueless Rorthik by his side.

As for Mirai and Sharla, the latter didn't look pleased at all seeing Aron. "He's grown even larger than before, let's hope that doesn't mean a rise in strength, he cannot be trusted, right Mirai?" She asked in a hateful tone while watching Aron walk away.