Chapter 323: The Regrets Of Many Part 2

Meanwhile, back at the outskirts of the Aethelian border, just a few kilometers away from where Aron's group had made its camp, a large grey mist shrouded a good chunk of the woodland.

It was incredibly dense and impossible to see through with the naked eye. But at its center, a small but sizable visible space was present. It was at that space that Aron was teaching Jagu and Jin.


The mist suddenly shook with incredible intensity as Jagu's figure appeared from it, flying through the air before colliding violently with a tree.

"Argh…" he grunted in pain and looked forward with a frown, soon a tall silhouette emerged in the mist, soon revealing itself to be Aron as he walked out casually, looking at Jagu with contempt. "The key here isn't to overpower me Jagu, it's to keep me busy. The moment you allow yourself to take a few direct hits is the moment you die, you cannot afford such a mistake when fighting with a Koliean intent on killing you."