Chapter 337: Secrets Of Aethel Part 2

Upon arriving at the Neglardia, Aron found that Rorthik was waiting by the entrance with excitement plastered all over his face. "Good, good, you're finally here, thought I would have to come get you. So much to do, so little time. We must hurry, yes yes." 

Seeing Rorthik acting more eccentric than usual, Aron approached cautiously and tilted his head a bit as he asked, "Is there a reason for the sudden need to rush so much?" A question which Rorthik nodded at twice in an exaggerated manner.

"Yes, yes, I think the northern Kolieans are planning something very bad, could mean danger for the settlement. Better to learn as much as we can fast before it's too late." 

Knowing what Rorthik was referring to, Aron could partially understand the need for concern due to the Kolieans returning to their settlement. He did find Rorthik to be overreacting, but given how he had lived longer in limbo than Aron, he couldn't go as far as to declare this caution unwarranted.