
Beau gulped quite loudly, causing the male to look away from Claude and down at him. Unfortunately he may have gotten away with doing that if the area they were sitting in wasn't a peaceful and quiet one. They held eye contact for a moment. He hadn't realized he was staring so intently at the male until Claude gently kicked him under the table. The kick was sadly obvious because Beau flinched with a small, "Ow…" at the contact and the table rattled a little.

"I guess you think so too." The male spoke again with a smirk. He sat the empty cups down on the table in front of the two. "I was instructed to attend to you two but more specifically the red head. I hear you're the favorite regular."

Beau shook his head and turned away from him. He could feel the blush forming on his cheeks and over his nose. "Ah- no… that's ridiculous." He mumbled. Beau picked up the water pitcher and started to pour water into his cup.

The unnamed male took the pitcher from him without warning. Beau almost didn't let go but he was glad he did because he could feel their hands brush against each other when he retracted his hand. There was a short but strong surge of shivers that ran through his arm and down his spine. Beau held his breath for a moment, still not being able to look back up to him. Just when his cup was filled, Beau pushed the guy to the side so he could slide out of the booth without him in the way. "I'm sorry. I don't feel that hungry anymore. Claude, make sure you eat. I'm going home."

Beau collected his things with his eyes casted down still. He couldn't see the male looking at Claude with confusion and sadness nor could he see Claude trying to hold back his laugh. Claude knew Beau was weak when it came to gorgeous people. Especially when they had black hair, tanned skin, and an amazing build. Was the guy an athlete or something? Beau didn't even want to start thinking about how it would feel to be held by him. How warm would it be at night? Maybe the male could keep him from constantly being cold.

"So embarrassing!" He blurted loudly when he made it outside the restaurant. He stopped and shook his hair with a loud sigh. Passerby's whispered to each other about Beau's outburst as they walked. Where he was standing, Claude and the male could see him through the windows. If Beau turned around then he would be able to see the mysterious male smiling at his actions as he observed him. Beau didn't turn around though and just started to speed walk to get as far away as he could. He didn't want to have to go back onto that street for the rest of the day even if that meant abandoning his plans to sneak back into the dance studio without Claude's or his parents' knowledge.

His race to get away from the street was short. At least now he couldn't see the street in full view. The day was getting darker. He could hear a party going on not far from where he was. The traditional New Orlean parties that tourists usually visited for was not something Beau was too interested in anymore. In an attempt to not get caught going towards it and having to deal with bumping into anyone, Beau grabbed the first taxi that came into view. He decided it was best to just go home.

His family's apartment wasn't far. It only took about five minutes by car so when he was there, Beau hurried inside and to his room. Thankfully his parents weren't home yet so it didn't matter when he made loud noises kicking the half full boxes out of his way to make it to his bed. Beau tossed his bag on the floor and fell down on his bed just to pull his phone from his back pocket.

As if on instinct, Beau went straight to the restaurant's social media page. He scrolled through trying to find a link to the owner's personal page and when he did find it, he clicked on it to see if anything about his son was on there. Sure enough, there was.

'My only son, Harley is back in town! Twenty-four isn't looking so bad on him.'

'Opening the restaurant with Harley in my arms years ago was a favorite memory but now I can add playing mario kart with him on the list.'

'Hearing Harley's singing reminds me so much of his mother. I hope she's resting now.'

Beau paused at that post of his mother. He gazed at the picture attached of the male, who he now knew as Harley, and a frail looking woman next to him smiling at the camera for the selfie. Beau hummed in thought, taking in the hint that she had passed away.

"I guess I'll be meeting you soon…" Beau muttered but then gasped and shook his head. "No. I'm sorry but I have no reason to meet you. I don't know your son." He gazed at Harley in the photo, "You're… very, very good looking son."

Beau turned off his screen and dropped his phone on his bed. He rolled over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. The soda stain from when he and Claude shook a can before opening it was still there. He couldn't get the angry expression his father and mother made at them that day out of his mind. They were only in their second year of high school at the time. Beau turned his head and looked around at the boxes he had on the ground. Some were being filled while others were already packed and some were still empty and folded, ready to use.

Not wanting to get the urge to pack up more, Beau picked his phone back up. He found himself scrolling through again to see more about Harley. The love was clear. Beau scrolled back up to the most recent posts and looked through the comments. Surprised, Harley had left a comment on the one about his singing. It was nothing special- just a simple, 'You compliment me too much.' but it was enough to urge him to click on his profile.

Beau took his time. He looked at every post and listened to every video of his singing. It was almost angelic to him. Beau assumed he was an athlete but he would have never guessed Harley was someone who liked to sing or play guitar. The song that intrigued him the most was Harley's cover of 'I Love You' by Billie Eilish. It was soft and pleasing to hear. Beau listened a few times. At first it was to hear his voice but then it slowly just became him watching his lips and his emotions pour out. His fingers seemed to move effortlessly against the strings of his guitar.

"Beau!" He heard his mother call out. "Are you home?"

Beau sat up and scooted off the bed. He hurried out of his room with his phone still in hand and Harley's video still playing. He didn't want his mom to come into his room looking for him just to see all of his boxes getting ready for his death. "I am. How was work? Is dad staying late again?" He asked.

His mom glanced at Beau's phone with a slow nod. "He is. Have you eaten yet?

"Not yet. I was going to order some food."

"No. Don't do that. I'll cook something fast. You should have home-cooked meals. They keep the soul full." The older woman walked into the kitchen and started to pull things out. "Are you going to keep letting that play? It sounds nice but isn't there a view count? Are you streaming?" Beau's eyes widened, "Isn't that what you kids do these days?"

He had forgotten that the poster could see who viewed their videos because it was on his story. Beau wasn't on social media much because of his busy dance schedule and now doctor appointments were added so he had let that slip his mind.

Beau quickly backed out of the video and back to his profile. "I hope he doesn't notice…" He mumbled. His mom glanced at him but didn't say anything. Beau went to hit the backspace again as he sat at the dining table but missed the button and instead double clicked on a photo because of his movement. Immediately he disliked it.

He dropped his phone on the table, following his head. Beau covered his head with his arms as the pain from hitting his head on the table ran through.

"Oh my- Beau! Don't do that!" His mother yelled at him.

"I give up…"

"What?" She asked, stopping her movements.

"I give up! I'm a stalker now!" Beau exclaimed against the table.

His mother sighed and tossed the hand towel at him. It fell next to his head on the table. "Don't be dramatic. You seem to like that artist's song. I'm sure they appreciate the views." For the millionth time in his life, Beau wished his mom understood technology and that even regular people can post cover songs.