Enemies in his world!

Chapter 87: Enemies in his world!

"Minato... You look worried... Has something happened?" Ingrid asked with a slight blush as she still wasn't used to calling her master by his name only.

It had been a few days since their sweet time when Ingrid openly conveyed her feelings.

It was cute, and Minato would usually smile and tease his elven queen.

That slowly changed over time.

Minato looked like something weighed on his heart. He missed a lot of details when it came to his beloved around him and the dungeon contest. In those dungeons, Minato smashed his fists mindlessly against the opponents.

Minato even forgot to bring out his Evil Seed in one of the dungeons.

He shifted his eyes toward Ingrid, then scratched his head, "I have a weird feeling within me... It's like something is alerting me about... About what, actually? I don't know... I can't tell..."

It wasn't a worry about Yuna and Bei.

It wasn't loneliness, either.