Fiendgod Technique

Yichen ignored the majority of the techniques, he knows they would limit his future, damaging his foundation. Finally he found it Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens, the pinnacle of fiendgod cultivation techniques in the three realms, excited as he was Yichen forced himself to remain calm and slowly open the book.

The [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] has nine parts.

The first three levels were for the Houtian stage.

The middle three levels were for Xiantian lifeforms.

The later three levels were for the Zifu stage.

Upon reaching the Xiantian level, one would be able to control water and fire, and also possess astonishing physical strength. One's body would be light and agile, and all six of the senses would be sharpened. Severed limbs would regrow.

Upon reaching the Zifu level, one would be able to regenerate from a single drop of blood. Upon reaching the Wanxiang stage, one would have amazing powers, such as growing three heads and six arms, the Kuafu Sunchaser ability, or Shining Dragon Eyes ability. But of course, the prerequisite was that one would need to be trained in these magical powers.

Fiendgod Body Refining adepts were able to easily suppress Ki Refining adepts of the same level.

But the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] was able to suppress all other types of Fiendgod Body Refining techniques!

This was publicly knowledge!

There was no dispute!

But training in it was extremely hard, the hardest of all. This, too, was undisputed!

"Brother, this one, we should train this one, its definitely the strongest. " Yichen said as he passed the book over to Ning.

"Father, please may I have the full book for that one " Yichen asked.

Yichuan said slowly, "Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens'. This is publicly acknowledged by everyone in the world as the most powerful Fiendgod Body Refining method. It is far more profound than the likes of the 'Song of the Inferno', the 'Vajra Buddhist Sutra', or the 'Calamity Fiend' techniques. And that's just at the Zifu level. The later stages of it are even more profound. If you are able to become a Zifu Disciple, it would be very easy for you to advance to higher levels as well."

"This is the most widely spread and most easily obtainable type of Fiendgod Body Refining technique." Yichuan looked at his son. "But it is also the hardest!"

They both laughed.

Having spent two years here in this world reading many books. He knew that refining techniques were extremely important! The more profound the training technique, the harder it was to train in. For the higher-level books regarding the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] to be easily obtainable meant that it was all the more important for him to choose this one.

"It has the greatest power! The undisputed best!"

"It is the most widespread one!"

"It is the most easily obtainable method!"

Yichuan looked at his sons. "It has countless merits, and just one flaw; it is extremely difficult! There hasn't been a single member of the Ji clan of any of our five Prefectures who managed to reach the fourth part and become a Xiantian lifeform."

"What? Not a single member of the Ji clan in all five Prefectures has been able to use it to become a Xiantian lifeform?" Ning was shocked.

"Younger brother don't worry, we are different from the rest, this technique will be the begining of our path to power."

It was fine if they didn't reach the Zifu stage.

But not even one had reached the Xiantian lifeform stage?

"Right." Yichuan said. "Not a single one. Because it is simply too hard, far harder than you can imagine. But I must admit that it is the most mysterious and most powerful Fiendgod Body Refining method. Even in the legends of the Fiendgods, this technique is the most powerful one!"

"Then this will be my choice!" Ning didn't hesitate at all.

He was born into the world with the likes of the {yin-yang visualtion technique}, one of the highest-class visualization techniques which even gives the {Nuwa Painting} a ran for its money. With such a firm foundation, how could he not at least give it a shot? Even if he failed, that wouldn't be a big deal. He could then choose to train in another technique.

"Fine!" Yichuan revealed a rare smile on his face. He was very happy with his son's resoluteness. "Then I will go get the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] for you."

"Thank you, father." Ning was filled with anticipation.


Dark night.

The door to the room was closed, and inside the room, the arm-thick candles were flickering. There were only four people in the room. Yichuan, Snow, Ning and Yichen.

Ning was holding an extremely thick book with scarlet red letters and reading through it. This was the legendary, most powerful of techniques: [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens].

"It really is hard." Ning was frowning as he read it.

"Brother, while it may be hard I'm sure will be fine." Yichen said smiling, standing as if he wasn't about to take the first true step in the world of Cultivation.

The [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] had several major obstacles.

The first was the introduction. In order to begin training in it, one had to be able to sense the 'Great Yang' (the Sun) and the 'Great Yin' (the Moon) in the skies. Many other Fiendgod training methods required the absorption of elemental energy, such as fire, water, or electricity in order to build up power. But the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] required its practitioners to immediately begin sensing those two greatest of celestial bodies, and to absorb the energy of the Sun and the Moon.

Many trainees simply couldn't sense the Sun and the Moon at all. And this was just the first step!

Afterwards, by absorbing the energy of the Sun and the Moon, one's entire body would become covered with divine tattoos. This was the second part! After the Divine Sun Tattoo and the Divine Moon Tattoo were completely formed, one could be considered as having completed the first level of the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens]! Actually, from this very first level, one could tell how unimaginably profound this technique was, because many of the other techniques, such as the [Calamity Fiend] technique, all relied on physically carving the magic tattoos onto one's body.

But for the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens], those tattoos would be formed naturally, and the divine tattoos were of the Moon and the Sun!

Once the first level was mastered, one was usually able to easily reach the third level without any problems.

But breaking through to the fourth level and becoming a Xiantian lifeform was even more difficult.

It required 'Yin and Yang to Fuse, Water and Fire Become One'. Only then could one break past and become a Xiantian lifeform.

The later obstacles…those were too far off. There was no need to worry about them.

"Whew." Finishing reading, Ning let out a long breath.

Yichuan and Snow looked at their son.

"Father, please instruct me with regards to the mysteries hidden within the first level of the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens]." Ning looked at his father.

"Understanding the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] is very easy." Yichuan said.

"All you need to do is follow the instructions on the pictures. There are nine pictures to the first level. It is very simple."

Ning nodded. He had read many books in this world, and when he flipped through it, he had quickly learned what the training method was. But he was worried that he might have missed some sort of profound meaning. After all, training was something he couldn't be too rash about. Since his father had said that the instructions in this book were very clear, then it was time to start.

"Bro, I'm going to try in the room next door, stay here with mum and dad, good luck."

"Thanks bro, you too," Ning said back.

Ning closed his eyes and raised his fists, then bowed down…this was the first diagram: Bowing to the Sun and the Moon!

He knows his brother will be successful, Yichen was feeling the pressure.

'System, do you think I should use the technique optimisation card on [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens].'

'Host this is a decision you have to make yourself, but I will say the optimisation card would automatically take effect when you receive the later portions of the technique.'

'Okay, let's do it, optimise the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens].'

'Host, please for a minute while the optimisation occurs, would like the technique to have a different name?'

' Yeah, but can I wait until I have seen the technique'

Yichen decide to mediate on the [Yin-Yang Image] while he waits, trying to prepare himself for what is to come.

'Downloading the technique directly to host brain now'

Yichen received a well of information of the new technique, as it was an optimisation the basics of the technique remained the same, using energy from the sun and moon. The difference lies in the utilisation of the energy, similar to the [Yin-Yang Image] the two energies are fused to generate a strand of chaos energy that resembles the energy from Pangu's axe which split chaos apart to create the world. This energy then washes over the body forging a body similar to Pangu the strongest of the fiendgods.

Yichen carried out all of the movements in accordance with the pictures, seeming almost to move in accordance with a strange ritual dance, and his body carried within it a strange, ancient aura.

Although most people wanted to follow the movements properly, they wouldn't actually be able to do so as precisely as they wished. However, Yichen had been training in accordance to the [Yin-Yang Image] since his birth. His soul was very powerful, and he had extremely strong control over his body as a result. Given that he had also constantly been cleansed by the energy of nature and his soul was as pure as an infants, it was quite natural that he could easily make accurate movements.


Yichen's final movement was to sit down in a kneeling position, his two arms hanging down in front of him, as though one was resting on the sun while the other was resting on the moon.

Utter silence.

The earlier dancing movements were only for the purpose of allowing one to sense the 'Great Yang' (the Sun) and the 'Great Yin' (the Moon). Whether or not he would be able to sense those two most exalted of stellar bodies…