Chapter 1: Introduction

Captain Roswell's Diary, July 16, 2050.

It is the year 2050 and the earth is going through a severe crisis. The pollution has made the clear and celestial skies disappear, staining them a heavy and dark gray, produced by the constant exploitation of the soils in search of a new mineral called Pentario, with which Deutamine, a drug used for the awakening the mind to its full power.

When humans began to ingest this new substance, the results were wonderful. At first, the possibility of creating a new world, full of happiness, without pain, suffering, or wars was handled. By awakening the potential of each mind, each one would find the solution to the problem of daily supply, and would find the right task to function in society, leaving the heavy work to the robots, which would only start up in a year.

It was thought that since they would all be geniuses, there would be no more hunger, poverty or inequality to endure. Since each one, from the extreme lucidity of his mind, would contribute new ideas, making the quality of life of the human being improve more and more, becoming all the same. But that was a dream that did not last long.

The effect of this tremendous and powerful drug was harmful and addictive, and whoever took it would feel the pleasure of knowing everything, but at the same time they would lose control, since the substance needed to expand in the brain and in doing so there was the danger of going crazy to its bearer for excess of knowledge. The limit between extreme knowledge and madness was thinner than a hair, and many believed they could handle it.

At first they only had access to that knowledge, those who had found it. Later, the United Nations decided to create a plan called: PLUTSU, Plan for the total unification of the human being. In this way, the substance reached all homes, without distinction of race or social class. Each human was supplied with the drug through the water networks.

The ruler of the United States (the country responsible for finding the mineral in the earth's crust), took over the power of the world, since for the first time a utopia had ceased to be such.

That dream turned into the worst nightmare that human beings could ever have. The Pentario mineral became scarce. No one imagined such a tragedy. The calculations had shown another destiny, full of peace and harmony.

The new human race went mad with abstinence, unleashing a war of all against all. A war with the sole purpose of obtaining that which at that moment had become something unattainable, the drug Deutamine.

The war lasted about ten years. Enough time to leave the new world totally devastated. The wonderful inventions created in that era of splendor, ended up being a sad reality of the past, only a few surviving.

Today, the men of the nefarious government, of the still master of the world, George Jonathan Winston, continue demolishing cities in search of Deutamine.

Furthermore, "The Sons of War", a terrorist group that seeks to rediscover drugs, has developed a bacterium that degrades humans, transforming them into a mutant.

One of the many inventions that survived were androids. The first are a copy of the inhabitants of the earth. They can think, love, get emotional, even cry. On the other hand, the rest are a model designed to function by means of a command operated by a human or one of the first androids and they serve only for combat.

Today the only hope that unites us all the inhabitants of Neo Genoa (current capital of the world), is to create a not so distant tomorrow and perhaps God or whoever sees us from above forgives us for trying to imitate it.