The Sky Breaker ship flies over the beautiful island of Crete, in Greece where the sixth emerald Tiferet awaits, symbolizing beauty in all its forms.
-That sea, so blue! So beautiful! It is the Mediterranean and we are in Greece - says John. When they are sure that nothing and no one will disturb their landing, they descend on the golden sand, where the heavy shadow of the temples falls squarely. However, the appearance of its corroded and devastated temples denotes sorrow and sadness. The once enigmatic and beautiful Greece no longer looks like it used to. According to Max's calculations, they must search for the emerald in an ancient shrine. Loading the heavy equipment, Faust accompanies them not in a very good mood.
- What a torment! -He says. The sun is at its peak. They arrive at a temple, and beings that look like soldiers begin to emerge from the old buildings, but nothing like the ancient Cretans.