The night falls on their heads and although the temperature is quite cold they resort to the old trick of sleeping close together to keep warm, to which Grau also gladly contributes and turns on a little motor that makes a barely warm but comforting breeze. Again strange noises and shadows lurk, but they ignore them, they know it is a ruse to annoy them. They rest until dawn.
Suddenly a light and a buzz are getting closer. She is a gleaming golden bee hovering over them while whispering "follow me" and in awe, but without much choice, the adventurers follow her in the hope that she will lead them to the exit, which they sense not far away.
But that hope is soon truncated, the bee leads them to their home, an immense honeycomb where the "queen bee" awaits them. Under her golden crown, she rests very comfortably, among heaps of honey, surrounded by drones and workers who render her worship.
- Welcome! - says the bee, whose enormous size worries them