"The heavens, that their beauty not be lessened,
have cast them out, nor will deep Hell receive them -
even the wicked cannot glory in them."
-Dante Alighieri, Inferno
Zach was staring at me intensely when I walked towards him, his burning gaze followed down my face, and then lower, causing havoc inside my whole body. I didn't have to read him to know that he was planning to take me to his bed tonight, as soon as he locked up Nameless in the police cell. I wished that I could share his optimism. Nameless was a half demon and he could easily use illegal spells to escape and he wasn't working alone either. On top of that I doubted that he would have been lured by expensive jewellery. This whole operation seemed tricky, but I had to stay open-minded. Zach had his own sources and Nameless had proven on a number of occasions that he liked stealing from humans.