Chapter 87

"The next flame blazes out from Gratian's smile. He's loved in Paradise for having served both civil and ecclesial courts so well."

-Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy

We left the cottage and started moving through the forest. The sun was gently caressing my cheeks, beaming through the trees. We walked in silence, but Zach's dirty thoughts were very distracting. He kept thinking about our steamy morning together, already planning to seduce me in his house once we were back in London. Two years ago I handed Matilda the baby and went back home with a heavy burden on my shoulders. My Warlock friend owned a small pottery business, away from nosey humans. It was protected by magical wards that Alexis would have tried to break.

Guilt hit me again, and I licked my lips, imagining that I was in Broken Shoe, drinking Paul's liquid magic. That image helped a little.