"For the Emperor of that high Imperium wills not that I,
once rebel to His crown, into that city of His should lead men home."
-Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
"Noooo!" I roared, desperate, falling down on my knees when I realised what Arthur had done. He was gone, saving his only child from a psychotic demon. I failed to protect him from getting into Purgatory, failed myself when Alexis stabbed him.
A storm was seconds away, and electricity buzzed through the air lifting tiny hairs on the back of my neck. Another crack of thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, then the electricity soared right through Alexis's body. She went rigid, lighting up like a thousands stars. Then she rose above the ground spreading her arms wide.
In that moment I knew that her twisted spell began to work. The royal blood was healing her damaged soul. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Arthur was dead. Alexis had fulfilled her prophecy.