Chapter 112

"Reader, imagine! I grew faint at heart, to hear these cursed phrases ringing out.

I truly thought I'd never make it back."

-Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy

The moment that liquid streamed down my throat I knew that I wasn't dependent on magical tequila anymore. Maybe that wasn't the proper way to come to terms with my addiction, but I didn't miss the taste of it at all.

"Two demons just attacked me on the street because Alexis has accused me of killing Arthur," I said, still pretty much shaking with anger.

Rodriguez was setting up demons against me. It was a smart move. Maybe he was hoping that someone would finish me off so he could save himself a lot of hassle.

"Yes, I've heard. Lucifer should have seen it coming. Your father really needs to sort this shit out rather than hanging on earth and using human women," Paul said, shaking his head. "By the way, all the guys are at the back. I'll be there in a minute."