it's for the birds


RAPE: (I don't condone real rape but I'm not going to kink shame anyone that likes rape roleplay and It's fine in stories as no one is getting hurt IRL)

Slavery: (I'm half black so no I'm not racist)

Scat: (Not MC or girl)

Gay (Not MC he's straight and trust me this is going to be uncomfortable for me to write being straight myself so don't expect me to go into too much detail)

Story Start

3rd person POV five years later Palace of Pleasure in Pride Ring

"I'm sorry what did you say, cus I could have sworn I misheard you, because it sounds like you just engaged me to a ten-year-old?" Slan was having a good day with his usual zero-accountability lifestyle before Asmodeus started this conversation.

They were currently set at a table in Slan's room used condoms, empty bottles, and unconscious succubi littered the floor (hesitation - by shiloh dynasty) playing in the background.

his room {and much of his palace} was painted magic purple with a strange symbol on the walls it had a bar and a walk-in closet full of expensive clothes if no one could see the bed in the corner someone might think it was a club.

Image here

Asmodeus was starting to look uncomfortable as Slan stared at him with a glare, Asmodeus knew that if anyone else {besides his mother} had brought this up they would be dead on the spot. " Look I know how this sounds but hear me out!" Asmodeus was sweating bullets, over the years slans power had grown to the point he could fight all seven sins at once and win nine times out of ten.

" You see words are coming out of your mouth but all I'm hearing is hit me slan, kill me, god this suit makes me look fat." Ok, now that last one was just hurtful Asmodeus thought. 

After a few minutes of boot-licking and bagging him to hear him out Slan finally calmed down, and after thinking about it for a bit he realized his father wouldn't do something like this without good reason so he nodded and reluctantly waved his hand for his father to continue making Asmodeus sigh in relief before continuing.

"So me and my buddy Piemon were out drinking and he started complaining about not being able to find a good suitor for his daughter with his family pushing for him to make a decision trying to get him to pick one of Starling's brats, and well let's just say their not good kids."

Asmodeus took a deep breath after that sentence trying to get everything out as fast as he could to avoid possible patricide. "And despite how he acts he really does care about his daughter {though only his daughter went unsaid he could give fuck-all about his other kids} so we got to talking and I started talking about you and despite being how you are you're a good kid {well good by hell standards anyway} that cares about family deep down."

After finishing he was out of breath looking at Slan nervously waiting for his answer Slan just looked tired before asking. "I'm not saying yes yet, but how bad are these kids exactly that I'm the better option?" Slan had a bottom line but was by no stretch of the imagination a good person.

Asmodeus finally not having to fear for his life spoke slower this time with a small sad smile. "Her kids are the worst, the only decent one amongst them is her daughter Stella and even she has some... let's just call them anger issues."

Slan just looks exhausted before giving a small nod not believing he was going to do this. " (Sigh) So when am I going to meet her if she's to be my wife I'd like to get to know her first."

Asmodeus gave the biggest smile Slan had ever seen him make. " Tomorrow Piemon will send for you." He said as he got up and walked to the door. " I really am sorry about this and I'm proud of you, that you would do this for a child you don't even know despite not liking it, It says a lot about the character of the young man me and Bee raised."

As Asmodeus left Slan could only conjure two words to describe how he was feeling as he slid down into his couch. " Fuck me."

Next Day Loo Loo land 

{Why The fuck did Piemon send us to Loo Loo Land I hate this shitty place why not Lu Lu World it's obviously not a money thing.} Slan thought as he stood next to his new betrothed who was practically bouncing all over the place.

{At least Stolas is happy she was terrified of me when we first met} Slan's Flashback was interrupted by Stolas pouting and pulling on his sleeve clearly not happy he wasn't paying attention to her. {It's amazing that in just a few hours she's gone from terrified of me to downright clingy.} " I'm sorry Stolas what did you say again?"

Stolas continued to cutely pout as she looked up at me " I said let's go to that tent over there." She pointed at a crude tent bearly held together by ducktape.

{Well time to go fuck up canon,.} I thought with a sadistic grin. {Besides I could uses some stress relief.}

Two Hours later

Things had gone to canon except for one thing blitz was a girl, I was now in a room to deal with her deadbeat money-grubbing dad. "Let's cut to the chase I'd like to buy your wife and daughters." I said putting a soul-binding contract in front of him.

The fucker had the nerve to try and act disgusted at the near thought of selling his wife and kids into slavery but I could see the greed in his eyes. "How dare you, I may be willing to do a lot of things for money bu..."

I cut him off by slamming a briefcase on the table full of unmarked souls as I'm not willing to play along with the act. "666 million souls for them, enough to live out the rest of your life as the richest imp ever, hell you'd be richer than some of the birds." His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor in a cartoonish fashion before quickly signing away his wife and kids into slavery.

I could only look at him in disgust, I was not a good person but I valued family above all else, now you may be asking why I just gave him a whole shit load of money well two reasons, the first reason is the money I gave is chump change to me and the second is that he won't live long enough to enjoy it.

As I left the room where the imp was now rolling around in the money, I made a call. "(RING RING) Hello, Felice... yeah... it's done... Yeah... you know what to do."

Felice Johnson Pov

Felice loved his new job, The boss had even given him some new upgrades for it, his dick was now twenty inches in length and five inches thick, with boney spikes with a barbed tip and his seed was acid, 

"I AM A WARRIOR!" I yelled as I pushed into the small imps anus tearing it with every thrust his screams only fueled me on, it had been two years since the boss popped up in solitary confinement and offered me the job, it was simple I was given a list of pedos that targeted kids thirteen or below the bosses bottom line.

I was to go around rapping and killing them repeatedly until the exterminators got them, it made sense to me no one liked pedos not even in prison, but sometimes the boss gave me special targets that just pissed him off so much that he gives them the Felice treatment which leads back to what I'm doing now.

"Goosh Goosh!" I have no idea what it meant but my boss said I was to say it during raping my targets along with recording it to sell to creeps that get off on this shit, and what the boss wants the boss gets.

"Goosh Goosh Goosh Goosh Goosh Goosh... ung...Goosh!" With one final thrust I split the imp in two spraying my acid seed all over his back, did I mention I love my job because I do.

Five Minutes Later

After cleaning up I called boss back. " It's done..."

With Slan 3rd Person

Slan was now in an infinitely better mood. " Good job... the money?... Keep it and buy yourself something nice." he smiled and hung up as he walked into his Palace with his guests. "Now Stolas why don't you go play with your new friends while I show Tilla here the sex dun.. I mean the basement and If you need anything just ask Lute." The former exterminator now fallen angel and head maid just rolled her eyes thinking about how she and her sisters got here as she led Stolas, Blitz, and Brabie to the yard to play. 

And Done

next chapter will be a flashback on how Lute ended up as Slans head maid.