Magic Devouring Ancient Technique: Second Volume! The Vicious Soul-Devouring Skill!

After he entered his room, Luo Xiong sat cross-legged as he retrieved a Magic Stone and started to absorb using the "Magic Devouring Ancient Technique".

Luo Xiong suddenly thought of something as he communicated with Gu Yi in his mind, "What cultivation realm does Chen Feng had reached based on his aura fluctuation."

"Based on his fluctuations, he barely be able to reach high-stage Puppet Master Rank. In addition, I could feel that his foundation was a complete mess." said Gu Yi, who was within Luo Xiong's magic space. He was secretly observing the fight between Luo Xiong and Chen Feng, so he knew what happened earlier.

"So he just barely able to reach high-stage Puppet Master Rank with even a shaky foundation but I fought my hardest just to defeat him." Luo Xiong murmured as his tone was full of helplessness. If what Gu Yi was true, then what about those geniuses with a real-deal skills? It seems that he needed to work hard and improve his cultivation quickly.

However, what he first needed to improve is his control over his puppet. He only won in the fight because of the improved mystical patterns on his puppet. In the future, he would fight with the real geniuses so he needed to perfect his skills.

"Now that I think about it, how could I devour one's internal magic power? What would happen to the victims of this technique?" Luo Xiong asked as he thought of a question.

"To devour one's internal magic power and refine it to oneself, what you needed to do was to defeat your opponent first and beat them up so that they would have a weak resistance. If not, your magic-devouring skill would inevitably fail in the end."

"You could also devour the internal magic power of those people who has a slightly lower cultivation than yours. However, the effects would naturally be also lower. Of course you could devour internal magic power using quantity over quality, so that the effect would be comparable when you devour the internal magic power of a cultivator with base higher than yours. It would only be slightly troublesome."

"As for your second question. The magic-devouring skill was actually a technique which would devour one's magic space. Which means, they would basically get crippled after you used this cultivation technique." Gu Yi patiently explained as he pointed out the effects of "Magic Devouring Ancient Technque" when use out to devour one's internal magic power.

Hearing this, Luo Xiong was dumbfounded as he felt that this technique was crueler than he thought. It seems that those who would be the victim of this technique in the future would be unfortunate.

After he finally filled his dried magic space, he headed towards the training room and practiced how to improve his control over the puppet. In addition, he also began to pour his internal magic power on the Inferno Spear Mystical Pattern and Wind Speed Mystical Pattern because the energy within these patterns were depleted after the battle.

When a cultivator creates a mystical pattern and draw it on their puppet, they would pour their internal magic power into it so that these mystical pattern would have an energy when fighting.

The reason why Luo Xiong's internal magic power had depleted after the battle was not because of the mystical patterns but the control over the puppet itself.

For example when he retreated using the Wind Speed Mystical Pattern or the time when he thrust the Inferno Spear Mystical Pattern, needed a certain amount of control which naturally use up a certain amount of internal magic power based on the mystical skill that one activated and how one controlled the puppet.

Another example was when the puppet normally punch out, only a few amount of internal magic power needed to use for that action. However, if you, perhaps activated a Body Enhancement Mystical Pattern which could enhance the puppet's body, raising its bodily performance, then the puppeteer manipulated the puppet to punch out, then it is a completely different story. The amount of internal magic power that you need to spend would also doubled. It is based on the mystical pattern one had activated. As such, cultivation was truly complicated and it is hard to multitask during battle.

After the two mystical patterns were already full of internal magic power, Luo Xiong then began to draw a mystical pattern in a blank yellow paper and he also poured his internal magic power within the yellow paper. Suddenly, this yellow with the drawing of mystical patterns suddenly exploded into dust causing Luo Xiong to frown.

What he was doing was creating talisman. There is a very major weakness if a cultivator fought and that is their own body. Although it could be said that every break through, one's body would be slightly enhanced, its performance wouldn't be able to contend with a puppet.

The hardness of a mortal cultivator's body cannot be compared to an iron unless one had reached the legendary level where a cultivator could refine their own body into a puppet.

But, for the current cultivation of Luo Xiong, talismans were the most reliable item when one is fighting with one's own body.

Luo Xiong knew that Chen Feng still had a talisman on him, however, it is just merely a talisman which could protect his life.

The mystical patterns on a talisman were fundamentally the same as those patterns engraved in a puppet. Which means, when one used a Body Enhancement Mystical Pattern to create Body Enhance Talisman, as long as a cultivator use it, their bodily performance would increase greatly. In addition, the need of internal magic power would also greatly decrease. Just pouring a required internal magic power into talisman and tear it, then one would be able to experience the effects of the talisman. With such an item, it is such a lifesaving item when one was fighting in a life-and-death battle.

However, the only disadvantage was that creating a talisman is truly exhausting and the rate of failure was horrifyingly high. If one didn't have enough skill and control when pouring their internal magic power to create a complete talisman, then it would explode into dust. And that is what happened earlier when the talisman that Luo Xiong was creating exploded.

Luo Xiong shook his head as he bitterly smiled then murmured, "It seems that creating a talisman would be a tough challenge."

"What do you know kid? When I first created a talisman, it also exploded into dust let alone the puny little talisman you are creating." Suddenly, the originally silent Gu Yi immediately rebuked after he heard the youth's murmuring.

"Looks like even creating a talisman would also need a perfect amount of control." Luo Xiong sighed. "Gu Yi do you have a technique which could improve my controlling skill rapidly?"

Luo Xiong immediately remembered that this Gu Yi was an expert in his previous life. So it is better to take advantage of this and asked Gu Yi about a technique which could perfectly master the control of one's internal magic power.

"Hmm… let's see. Oh, I remember," Gu Yi suddenly remembered about a technique.

"Oh, what is it?" hearing this, Luo Xiong's eyes lit up as he eagerly 'glanced' at Gu Yi with an excited expression.

"Didn't the "Magic Devouring Ancient Technique" still had the second volume? Try to check it and you will see," Gu Yi calmly explained.

Without hesitation, Luo Xiong immediately closed his eyes and began to check the second volume of the miraculous "Magic Devouring Ancient Technique". Myriad of informations about the cultivation technique. He sorted out the first volume while the second volume remained.

Magic Devouring: Second Volume— Soul-Devouring Skill.

The second volume of this cultivation technique was about the cultivation of one's soul. As long as one could devour the soul of a person, the owner of this technique would be able to refine it and improve their soul, hence, one would be able to increase the range of immortal sense, improve the control of one's movements like controlling heavenly energy or manipulate a soul fire.

Seeing this, Luo Xiong immediately confused. So he asked Gu Yi, "What is immortal sense? The heavenly energy? And the soul fire?"

This terms were completely unfamiliar to him. Even in the first volume of "Magic Devouring Ancient Technique" there is no such a term existed there. But, after he checked the second volume, three unfamiliar words had suddenly appeared! No wonder Luo Xiong was bewildered.

"Soul Fire and Immortal Sense were still too far for you, so you didn't need to know for now. As for the heavenly energy, it is a higher level of internal magic power. Nevertheless, you should still be able to cultivate it even without a heavenly energy." Gu Yi explained, causing Luo Xiong to understand what does what of these three unfamiliar words, meant.

As he read the second volume of "Magic Devouring Ancient Technique", he immediately began to comprehend it.

After a few hours of comprehension, Luo Xiong stretched his hand then returned into his room as he sat cross-legged on the bed and began absorbing Magic Stones.

Just like that, three days passed by in a blink of an eye. In these three days, Luo Xiong was perfecting his controlling skill, after that he would repeatedly create talismans after a continuous failure, then he would try to ponder his problems regarding cultivation and ask about this to Gu Yi, and finally, absorbing Magic Stones to cultivate in his room.

His originally colorless internal magic power turned slightly gold, which indicate that he was nearing to break through to high-stage Puppet Master Rank causing Luo Xiong to be satisfied.

Of course this satisfaction was just temporary because he knew that the competition in two months was arriving very fast. So he need to cultivate furiously if he do not want to get killed.

In these past three days, Luo Yan didn't visit him because she was also preparing for the competition two months later. Her spirit became extremely lively after she saw that her elder brother's power was much higher than her.


A few hundred miles from Luo Estate, within a courtyard were two men playing chess in the table.

One of these men was a middle-aged man who had an extremely ferocious scar on his neck, he was also bald with a tattoo of a dragon in his head. If the people from imperial city saw the characteristics of this man, they would immediately know this man.

Beside Luo Shan of the Luo Clan, this middle-aged baldy was also one of the Imperial Devils, Hong Tu!

In front of him was similarly a middle-aged man who has a somewhat handsome appearance. He had a beard growing on his face, but it still couldn't hide his outstanding appearance. This was the famous patriarch of Chen Clan, Chen Wang.

Staring at the chessboard, Chen Wang pondered what's the next move he would need to do. He rubbed his chin as he suddenly remembered something so he said without removing his gaze on the chessboard. "Brother Hong, I heard that you accepted a highly-talented disciple a month ago."

"Haha, that's right. He's really a talented young man which even surpasses mine." Hong Tu laughed as he continued. "That disciple of mine is really excellent. Who would've thought that he had already attained perfect mastery of my Grand Devil Cultivation Technique."

For the first time, Chen Wang glanced at the baldy in front of him with a pleasant surprise. He knew just how hard to master into perfection the cultivation technique Hong Tu mentioned.

Rumor has it that this cultivation technique was passed down by Hong Tu's master who was also one of the Imperial Devils back then. It is said that Hong Tu's master had almost died in an ancient ruin where he obtained this cultivation technique. One must know that Hong Tu's master had already attained a very high cultivation but was still almost unable to keep his life in that ancient ruin. This proved that this so-called Grand Devil Cultivation Technique was truly an excellent cultivation technique.

After bragging about this disciple, Hong Tu turned into Chen Wang as he said, "I had heard that the freak from Luo Clan had practically became insane is that true?"

Chen Wang furrowed his brows as he nodded in confirmation and said, "That news is right. Although his daughter was fairly talented, she still couldn't utilize her full potential. On the other hand, hisson has no affinity in cultivation so it was no surprising for him to became crazy."

The freak that they were talking about was naturally the patriarch of Luo Clan, Luo Shan. The competition two months later would be the most important which is even first in history of Great Wu Empire. Because this competition was actually a selection of disciples who were able to join a very influential major power outside the Great Wu Empire.

One must know that Great Wu Empire was just one of the empires in Mortal Desolate Region. So, a major power in the region holding a selection was naturally a joyful matter.

"We will see…" Chen Wang murmured as he moved a chess piece causing his opponent to lose.

Meanwhile, Luo Xiong didn't about the conversation about these two experts of Great Wu Empire.