The Champion

"I should at least know your name before that," I said.

"It's Halnur," he said.

"I'm Nom," I said.

That's when Halnur suddenly closed his eyes and concentrated for a second.

"Haaa! Morning Sun," said Halnur as he pushed two fists toward me from a standing praying stance.


I threw a regular fist with ten percent power and cancelled out his attack.

"This just isn't your day my guy," I said.

I used ten percent of my power and punched him in the face since he was open because he was grasping his wound.


The shockwave from him being hit away widened the crater by ten feet! Halnur flew about ten feet before he stopped…

"The Winner Is the Emperor," said a voice from all around me.

Mr.Slans must have given them that name, it was my alter ego in space.

When I left to go to the office with mr.slans they said that I had fought number one thousand out of a thousand on the battle planet leaderboard. The alien in charge of the ranking said I had to climb my way up like everyone else unless a higher up accepted my match invite but I was unsatisfied.

"If you want a shot at the title of the Unarmed Combat then I can make it happen," said Mr.Slans.

"How," I said.

"I'll tell the Champion that you called him weak," he said.

"Alright," I said.

In a few days in the hotel on Battle Planet I finally got word from Mr.Slans and he said that we got the fight, it would take place a month from now.

"I'm going to go train," I said.

"I can help," said Mr.Slans.

I took Mr.Slans to Arcana the new planet I had discovered and we trained in the main dome habitat. He was actually strong, he blocked a full power blow from me!

"Your strong," I said.

"Thanks kid. Have you chosen a martial art to cultivate," he asked.

"Yeah I've chosen Kung Fu," I said.

"Great, what's your animal," he said.

Kung Fu sectioned out into animal styles once one had mastered basic kung Fu. However I hadn't started my animal style training yet…

"I haven't started it yet," I said.

"Well go meditate over on the ground until it calls out to you," he said.

I went to go meditate with my eyes closed and soon I saw a vision of a shark in the sea! It was swimming in different ways as if showing me it's secrets…

I got up and struck out some fighting patterns with my eyes still closed according to what the shark was doing.




Every time I would do a movement from the pattern a shockwave would come out and devastate the surrounding area!

"It's time to fight," said Mr.Slans.

"Already, I've only mastered the Kung Fu-Shark Style by about five percent," I said.

"It'll have to do," he said.

We left arcana to go back to Battle planet and I arrived in the fighting arena soon. I teleported in and saw a white skinned looking man in a gi.

"So your the one that called me weak," said the man.

He ran towards me and raised a claw hand and aimed it at my stomach.


His hand met empty air as i had stepped to the side.

"What," he said.

After that I took the regular Kung Fu fighting stance and released a barrage of hits upon him!




Our fists collided over a hundred times in just one second!


Suddenly I saw an opening and hit him with a fist to the face which sent him back a few feet however he was still on his feet…

"Not bad," he said.

"Your not to bad yourself old man," I said.

"How about this," he said as his tattoos glowed and went from black to blue.

This looked troublesome so I turned into what I call my Battle form. It made my hair turn from black to a glowing purple and made my vitality essence visible around me as an purple aura, it also made me one hundred times more powerful.

"That form looks Interesting," he said.

We rushed each other and threw a fist at the same time which collided.


We created a ten foot wide crater on the ground as we fought. As we fought I heard a voice…

"Battle Planet cannot take the force of your fight. If you don't finish soon then you'll shatter the planet," said the ref.

I was only using about one percent right now so I decided to use ten and started pummeling him into the ground while he guarded.

"This power," he said.

"It seems that your at your limit," I said.

That's when I punched him with half of my power and broke his guard!


The force of the hit created a shockwave that made a small ravine in Battle planet.

"I give" said the old man as he lost consciousness.

"The Winner is the Emperor," said a voice.

When I got back to the Battle Planet central building I got a large belt made of leather and gold studded with rare gemstones.

"I think I'm ready to go home," I said.

"Alright," he said.