Mommy and Daddy Sleep in Separate Rooms

Everyone thought he was going to take the provincial exam two years ago but he ended up skipping it. It was most likely that he would take the upcoming exam. 

Many people commented that he was such a great student and that he would likely place highly on the provincial exam. Once the exam was done, he would have earned himself the title of a provincial elite! Ah, no, if he scores well on the provincial exam, he will be taking the imperial exam in the Capital City. Then he will officially become an important member of the bureaucracy. 

Because of this potential, many people did their best to talk Xie Yunjin up and flatter him. 

Xie Yunjin came today to earn face for the Lu family. Therefore, he didn't act at all impatient toward these people. Occasionally, he would even flatter back. This made the leaders view him highly and thought of him as both good-looking, well-spoken, and basically perfect.