No Rush. Take it Slow

Shen Xiu may appear to be complimenting Xu Qingyin when in actuality, she was hinting her to take action. Xu Qingyin was tempted after she listened to Shen Xiu. 

She was the wealthy daughter of the grand commander. Nobody in this city could be compared to her. If that young master did fancy her, he may just divorce his wife for her. 

However, Xu Qingyin was a little worried. That man wasn't just married - he also had children. If she married him, she would become a stepmother. She didn't really want that. 

For now, she didn't comment on that. 

Shen Xiu wasn't in a rush. She was okay taking this slowly. Since Lu Jiao dared to steal Xie Yunjin away from Shen Xiu, Shen Xiu would find a woman to take Xie Yunjin away from Lu Jiao. Once she succeeds, she'll watch how hard Lu Jiao cries. 

"Lady Xu, it's late. Let's get back. Or else we won't get the chance to give the commander the pastries you bought."