Way too Happy

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked over and found classmate Han's two children. The two children looked kind of rough. The older one in particular, had his hair messed up, his clothes torn, and he even had scratches on his face. The younger one appeared mostly unscathed but still appeared exhausted. 

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao knew right away that their children had beaten those two up. 

However, they also knew that their children didn't hit others without reason. The two Han boys likely did something to piss them off. 

Despite that being a fact, it was no good to beat their guests up like this. Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao angrily shouted, "Where are you guys? Show yourselves!"

The four little ones were carefully standing outside. When they heard their parents shout, they carefully stepped inside. 

The four little ones may not look as rough as the two boys, their clothes were all torn up and it was obvious that they were in a fight.