Quick to Offend, Quick to Apologize

Xie Yunjin came back because he wanted to see if Lu Jiao had been wronged by the Lu family. When he heard Feng Zhi's words, his face turned cold. His eyebrows and eyes turned sharp, and the words he spoke were particularly gloomy.

"What happened?"

Feng Zhi told Xie Yunjin about the incident where Du Lanzhu caused trouble in the Lu family's house. In the end, she mentioned how Lady Xia appeared unhappy and caused people to gossip that it was Lady Lu who planted the poisonous snake.

"Du Lanzhu causing trouble is one thing, but since Lady Xia invited Lady Lu, how could she treat her with such an attitude? I'm telling you this because I want you to stop Lady Lu from going to any future events Lady Xia hosts."

Feng Zhi could see clearly that although the lady did not want to be with the master, she was still very good to him.

Although, Feng Zhi couldn't understand why two people who were good to each other couldn't just stay together peacefully.