Not what she Imagined

As soon as Lu Jiao spoke, Xie Yunjin became nervous and quickly sat up.

The sudden movement, strained his injured shoulder, causing him to frown in pain.

Lu Jiao hurriedly went over and sat beside him, holding him in place to prevent further movement.

"Why did you get up so quickly?"

Xie Yunjin reached out and grabbed Lu Jiao's hand, carefully examining her up and down, and only relaxed when he saw that she was fine.

Seeing him so concerned about her, Lu Jiao's face remained composed, but she felt a sweet warmth in her heart. She quickly reassured Xie Yunjin.

"I'm fine. The carriages didn't collide. What I wanted to tell you is that the other party was a person from the Zhang family in Qinghe County. It was Li Wenbin's wife, Zhang Biyan."

Lu Jiao paused for a moment and continued, "I think your earlier speculation was correct. The Zhang family wants to win me over and form a new network of connections."