Mommy, are you Raising Five Sons?

Lu Jiao smiled and pursed her lips. Their relationships shouldn't even be compared. They are in the courting phase now, so naturally, he was treating her well. Only if he was able to keep this up, would she conclude that he treated her well.

Lu Jiao pushed Li Yuyao playfully, "Sister, if you find your brother-in-law not good enough, you can train him when you get back."

Li Yuyao didn't get a chance to respond; the four little ones around them had already rushed toward Xie Yunjin.

"Daddy, did you wait for us?"

"Have you eaten enough?"

"If you haven't eaten enough, tell Auntie Hua to make more for you later."

"But Uncle Han's family made delicious meatballs today."

Lu Jiao looked at the four little ones in front of her, not sure what to say. She was astonished by their antics in front of someone else's door. Were they afraid that Uncle Han might starve their father?