
Only upon hearing Zheng Xiang's words did the men come back to their senses. Hurriedly, they stepped forward and began to pull the silver needles out of Zheng Xiang's body one by one.

After all the silver needles were removed, Zheng Xiang regained control of his body. He sneered at Qiao Nian.

Zheng Xiang's eyes were cold. He raised his fist and swung it viciously towards Qiao Nian's face.

The hearts of the onlookers all began to race in fear. Some were so frightened that they hurriedly shut their eyes, unable to continue watching.

Everyone silently muttered a prayer for Qiao Nian.

However, the scream they had been anticipating did not come.

Everyone opened their eyes in unison to see what was going on, but what they saw stunned them all.

Qiao Nian was a small young lady, slender and almost weak-looking. Yet her thin hand caught hold of Zheng Xiang's fist in an instant.