Calling for Reinforcements

With that, Qiao Nian looked down at Zheng He, who was by her feet, and asked coldly, "Do you want to apologize? Or do you want me to break every single one of your bones?"

Qiao Nian's voice was as gentle as ever, but the words she spoke made one feel as if they were in the dead of winter, chilling to the bone.

Zheng He looked at Qiao Nian in fear. The Zheng family had never apologized, and would never do so.

"In your dreams! Pft! I'm telling you, I'm definitely getting my family's mercenaries to kill you!" Zheng He said viciously, his face livid.

If Zheng He had not been crying, Qiao Nian would have thought that he was still a man. But Zheng He was bawling like a baby in front of her. It was truly disgusting.

"Mercenaries?" Qiao Nian looked at Zheng He with a faint smile on her face. "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"