Acting As a Pimp

"Where are you going?" Gu Zhou buckled his seatbelt and asked casually.

"The Blue Coffeehouse. Thank you."

Qiao Nian's phone buzzed again. Seeing that it was a text from Qiao Xin, she quietly turned it off.

Gu Zhou didn't say anything. He began to drive.

Along the way, the two of them didn't interact much. When they arrived, Gu Zhou stopped the car and turned to say to Qiao Nian, "If you need anything, look for me!"

His voice was clear yet mellow, just like a fine wine.

"Thank you." Qiao Nian smiled.

When she stepped into the coffee shop, Qiao Nian could see Qiao Xin sitting by the window from afar.

Qiao Xin was wearing a white dress today. If Qiao Nian recalled correctly, this dress was a limited edition LV product.

When Qiao Xin saw Qiao Nian, she immediately stood up, looking at her worriedly. "Sister, I heard last night that you had fainted. Are you alright?"