Her Smile Put Sunflowers To Shame

Her smile put sunflowers to shame.

When everyone saw Qiao Nian's charming smile, they finally understood what that sentence meant.

According to the ancients, beauty lies in not one's skin, but in one's bones. Qiao Nian's beauty seemed to fulfill both aspects. Her beauty could conquer nations.

In the past, everyone only knew that Qiao Nian was mentally ill. No one cared whether she was pretty. But now that they knew that Qiao Nian was the principal of the school, the hero who saved the university, the way they looked at her changed.

Wang An looked at his assistant and said, "Take Shen Xing with you to settle the withdrawal procedure."

"Yes, sir!"

Shen Xing looked at Wang An in despair. Her gaze gradually moved to Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian!

It was all Qiao Nian's fault!

She first caused Shen Xing to lose face at Grandma's birthday banquet. Now, she even caused her to be expelled!