Let Her Treat Grandma

Now, Matriarch Gu's condition had worsened. What exactly was going on?

"It's good that you're aware of it," Qiao Nian said calmly. Her gaze was as cold as ice.

Doctor Su was so angry that he could barely breathe. If his medical skills were not good, how could he have become a private doctor of the Gu family?

Indeed, the fact that made Doctor Su the most displeased was that he was being questioned by such a young, inexperienced lass.

This young lass clearly overestimated her own abilities.

Frenzied with rage, Doctor Su said, "I've eaten more salt than you have rice. Your years of experience can barely compare to mine. How dare you…"

"Quiet!" Qiao Nian gave Doctor Su an indifferent glance, then looked at Gu Zhou and said, "If you want Grandma to survive this ordeal, bring me all of Grandma's previous medical records. All useless people are to leave! You are not to disrupt my treatment of Grandma!"