The Show Begins

Lin Tao smiled at Director Lin and said, "Dad, you must be secretly overjoyed. You were clearly pining after Nian Nian's medicinal herbs!"

Director Lin's smile grew even brighter. "Child, why must you speak such truths aloud?"

"See, you do agree that I'm telling the truth," Lin Tao teased.

"It's all my fault for spoiling you. You don't even know what etiquette is. You should address Qiao Nian as Elder Sis!" Keeping his expression serious, Director Lin began to lecture Lin Tao.

"Stop, stop, stop! I don't want to listen anymore!" Lin Tao was really worried that Director Lin would continue with his lengthy lecture. She shook her head vigorously. "I'm taking Nian Nian to take a look around our research institute!"

Before Director Lin could say anything, Lin Tao had already pulled Qiao Nian away.

Looking at Lin Tao and Qiao Nian's retreating backs, Director Lin couldn't help but smile.