Jealous of Her?

When Wang Xuan heard Gao Lin's words, she almost vomited. She rolled her eyes at Gao Lin and said angrily, "The reason why idiots become idiots is because there's something wrong with their brains. I think if Mr. Dong Hua knew that a rat like you would join his team, he would probably have packed his luggage and boarded the plane long ago!"

Gao Lin's face was livid. She walked up to Wang Xuan angrily and raised her hand to slap her.

"Yes, hit me now!" Wang Xuan raised her head high, not afraid of Gao Lin at all. She said, "I'll just stand there and not move. Hit me however you want. As long as you dare to hit me, I believe that the news of Senior Xia Xue's music assistant hitting someone will immediately become a trending topic on Weibo. I wonder if Mr. Dong Hua still wants Senior Xia Xue as a female musician."