He's Not Retarded

Moreover, his father felt that he was abnormal. His father often took him to the hospital. In the past, no matter what he said, his father would think that he was ill and spouting nonsense.

This time, his father only believed him after seeing Zhang Yi hit him with his own eyes.

Her father had even taught Zhang Yi a lesson.

At the thought of this, Gu Qi mustered his courage and blinked. His eyes sparkled as he asked, "Dad, will you leave me behind like Mom did?"

Gu Zhou and Chen Qing were both stunned.

They had always thought that apart from greeting people, Gu Qi did not say anything else.

Gu Qi was finally willing to speak more.

Gu Zhou should have been happy, but when he thought of Gu Qi's words, his heart seemed to be clenched tightly by an invisible hand. It hurt terribly.

All these years, it was all his fault. Actually, he didn't hate Gu Qi.